What’s New at the Garden
Winter weather prevented our BYOnd Sprouts event from taking place on the 25th of February. While our garden (town, and state) received much needed precipitation, we took the time to watch from afar, stay warm and dry, and cancelled the event.
The Almanac (https://www.almanac.com/gardening/frostdates/zipcode/93555) has listed our last frost date as March 24th with a growing season of 226 days. We’ve been watching the weather, and what a show it has put on. However, we feel that having our planting day on the 18th of March will be safe enough to move into spring planting, with any chance of frost being light (or short lived) so that we can get a jump start on our spring planting. We’re anxious to get started. We’ll be creating a Facebook event inviting community and subscribers to come plant with us. We are in early days of planning an April 22nd Earth Day event, as well. Our sponsor(s) for that event will be revealed in our April Newsletter. If you are interested in sponsoring any of our events or volunteering, please email us at communitygarden.ridgecrest@gmail.com
Our Herbal Zen Garden continues to fill up with plants and trees that will provide aroma therapy and nurturing to soul and body. We have increased our aromatic plants through the rose garden, herbs lining the walkway and Eucalyptus trees that will provide much needed shade in our hot summers as they get older. Our new grape section, located against the east wall of the garden is our latest addition. The layout is shown on the right with what we have planned at the moment. We’ll update as we get closer to Earth Day where we will be adding trees from those sponsoring the event.
Our subscriber program still has beds available for those that want to try their hand at gardening in the desert or sponsor someone that can’t afford the fee but wants to garden. Take a look at our subscriber program for more information to sponsor or sign up. We don’t want you to miss out on any of the gardening season. Our last frost date is fast approaching, and we want everyone equipped to garden at just the right time.
Click on the appropriate QR code to donate, either through Instagram or Venmo.
Zen out, Ridgecrest :-)