RCG June 2021 Newsletter

 What’s Happenin’?

This month we hosted our very first joint event with the Ridgecrest Plant Society! This event was another very successful plant exchange. We also created more seed bombs with native perennial wildflower seeds. This event brought a lot of new faces to our garden and introduced the community garden to a whole new group of plant lovers.

It’s Getting Hot in Here!

Severe heat is upon us here in Ridgecrest! We were graced by a few gorgeous weeks of mild temperatures and now the heat is back with a vengeance. Make sure that throughout the summer your plants get a little extra TLC. You can add shade cloth, you can plant shade giving plants like sunflowers and corn. You can also plant vining plants like sweet potatoes, pumpkins, squash, watermelon, and cantaloupe to help cover the soil. Mulching will also help keep moister in and suppress weeds.  Also make sure that you water long and deep in the AM before the afternoon sun scorches the plants. The moist soil will help keep those roots cool. It’s also a good idea to fertilize as the excessive heat really stresses out your plants depleting them of the nutrients they need to produce fruit.

Campaign for Herbal Garden

Thank you to every who donated to our campaign to build an herbal zen garden here in Ridgecrest. There has been so much positive energy flowing this way and we are extremely excited to build more garden spaces here in Ridgecrest. We launched a campaign in May to raise money for the herbal garden, and with the help of members of the community, and local businesses such as Desert Valley FDC and the Ridgecrest Regional Hospital, we raised a total of $8905. Yes, we are $1095 away from reaching our goal of $10k. The $10k is the cost of installing a water meter on the lot which will help us create a sustainable garden.

Click on the donation tab on the homepage to make a donation towards our herbal garden.

Thank you everyone for your support.