We aint foolin’ around
Spring planting is in full swing! We had an amazing turn out for our spring planting event and Easter egg hunt this past weekend. The news about our little garden is really starting to spread and there is a lot of interest blossoming. We look forward to watching the gardening community grow right alongside us. There’s been a lot of support from our community and most of our beds have been sponsored. We love helping new gardeners learn about raising their own produce in our unique environment.
It’s time to get those veggies in the ground if you have not done so already. At our garden we removed the last of our winter crops to make way for the spring and summer crops like beans, zucchini, tomatoes, and peppers. We now have several new herbal beds as well as new apple and pomegranate trees!
We’ve had tremendous help from volunteers with ACE (American Conservation Experience) helping us build new beds and continuing to clear old cement and debris from the lot to make way for new growth.
Looking Forward
As the weather gets warmer we’ll be having more events on our calendar. Celebrate Earth Day this month by joining us on April 22 nd for a live virtual workshop on how to make your own tinctures. Learning these ancient healing techniques is essential to keep the knowledge of these healing arts alive. Plant medicine is the original medicine and at times our modern culture seems to forget its roots. Facebook Link: https://fb.me/e/dhWjBnDn3
We’ll be continuing to celebrate spring this upcoming May Day at our garden. While we won’t be dancing around a maypole, we will be celebrating by hosting a plant exchange and making seed bombs with native wildflower seeds. When completed the seed bombs can be dispersed throughout our region and your garden to encourage the regrowth of these native plants and pollinators. This will be a fun hands on activity so please come play in the dirt with us on May 1st! Check Facebook soon for more information!
Spring Tips: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Here in the desert water is a hot topic! Ensure that you’re taking extra care when giving your plants this valuable resource. How can you do that?
You can do this by watering in a manner that gets to the roots of your plants, not the top portion. When you water from above the plants, water can get stuck in the leaves or vegetable, causing rot or burning from water droplets on the leaves! Also, plants may not get adequate hydration.
There are many tools out there that can make this easier on you and your plants.
You can install drippers or a drip line if you are using an irrigation system. You could also use something called a soaker hose that runs along the base of your plants and provides moisture directly to the soil. You could use a watering wand that helps get a gentle wide stream of water that can be aimed at the base of the plants if you’re hand watering with a hose like we do at the community garden. Watering properly will help your garden flourish as well as help with saving this valuable resource.
Another thing to keep in mind, now that things are warming up, is to water your plants when it is cool out, like early morning or in the evenings.