
5 Best Holistic Practices to Help Relieve Nausea

Who loves nausea? That’s right, me neither. Who loves taking manufactured medicines to help rid them of nausea? That’s right, me neither. Now that we’ve identified two common interest, let’s look at how we can approach nausea in the most natural ways. Many of us are beginning to realize how detrimental pharmaceuticals can be for our overall health. This earth provides everything we need to have optimal health, many in which we already have in our home, or can grow in our own backyard. Let’s dive in to the 5 best holistic practices to help relieve nausea.

1.      Mint Aromatherapy

As you should know by now from reading our last few blogs, mint is a powerful herb. It is a must have plant for home growers. Mint has a powerful body healing fragrance that can be used for aromatherapy. It is important that we are constantly breathing in herbal fragrances. The aroma of mints (peppermint, chocolate mint, spearmint, and sweet mint) is said to help reduce or relieve nausea. Actually, in a few studies done, peppermint aromatherapy reduced nausea significantly, actually it reduced nausea in 57% of cases. Other essential oils such as citrus oils (lemon, grapefruit, etc.) are also great for relieving nausea.


2.      Herbal Tea

Herbal teas are great to use to help relieve nausea. There are some herbal teas I would personally recommend based on the teas my wife has used throughout her pregnancies, and the teas I have used to help relieve my nausea. Remember, if you are pregnant, the aromas you can withstand varies. One day, citrus may make you want to vomit, then will make you smile the next week. It’s important to have a variety of herbal teas for that reason.

Herbal teas that are great for relieving nausea:

1.      Ginger Tea

2.      Peppermint Tea

3.      Honey Vanilla Chamomile

4.      Lemon Lavender Tea

5.      Licorice Root Tea

3.      Vegetable Soup

Vegetable soup helps a lot in the relieving nausea department. Why? Because vegetable broth is packed with nutrients. When making vegetable soup, skip the noodles. Let’s go with vegetables and vegetable broth. It is important to put mint, ginger, peas, carrots, lemon, and fresh rosemary in your vegetable soup to help relieve nausea.

4.      Avocado Toast

This natural remedy is more for nausea that’s due to morning sickness. The toast provides the carbohydrates your body needs, and the avocado provides the B6 your body needs. Plus, this is a delicious, light morning breakfast that will help your upset stomach, and nausea. You can use gluten free bread for your avocado toast if that is your preference.

5.      Ginger

Ginger is said to work better than medications prescribed for nausea. The properties of ginger are truly astounding, and is very effective. There is not a set amount of ginger to use to treat nausea. In some studies, participants were giving 1.5 grams of dried ginger per day. If you have been using ginger unsuccessfully, try using that amount of dried ginger to help relieve your nausea.

5 Proven Ways To Boost Your Immune System

We all strive to have a strong immune system. If not, we should. Who wants their body to be protected against sickness and disease? Thought so. Your immune system is your defense system. There are many holistic practices that are used to help boost your immune system. There are what I like to call “common practices” which includes plant medicine that are easy to grow, and access. I am going to give you 5 common practices to help boost your immune system.

1.      The most common plant used to help boost your immune system is mint. You will hear me talk about mint a lot because the properties of mint are truly amazing. Mint is a great tool for boosting your immune system. Some of the nutrients you will find in mint are calcium, vitamins A and C, potassium, calcium, and iron. Not only can mint leaves help boost your immune system, they are easy to grow, and can be used in a variety of ways. I grow, and use mint daily, especially in the winter season to help boost my immune system.

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2.      Essential oils are great to use if you want to boost your immune system. There are certain aromas I recommend you use if you want to boost your immune system. Aromatherapy is such a big thing because science proves that essential oils encourages cell growth which leads to faster healing. You can provide aromatherapy in your own home with a diffuser, and high grade essential oils. The highest grade of essential oils you can find is Doterra. There are many other brands that can be found in your local stores like Target, Walmart, or even Amazon. The three most common essential oils to use for boosting your immune system are peppermint, lavender, and rosemary. Other essential oils such as eucalyptus, grapefruit, frankincense, tea tree, and lemon are also great for boosting your immune system. Essential oils, depending on how high the grade is can be used in a diffuser, topically, and internally. Doterra essential oils can be used for all three purposes.

3.      An easy way to boost your immune system is to get more sleep. Yes, very simple right? I will say it again because I know you are not getting enough sleep. GET MORE SLEEP. Why is sleep important? Sleep is important because sleep is a way to manage the amount of stress on your body. Stress means that your body is fighting extra hard. Stress makes your body vulnerable, and guess what? Yes, you guessed it. It weakens your immune system. In a study done in 2013, it was found that 60-80% of people who visited doctors for illness had stress related components. The study can be found at this link:

4.      One of the best ways to boost your immune system is to eat healthier. We are at number four on the list, and I’m sure you’re like wow, I didn’t know it was that easy. Taking care of your immune system can be very easy and practical. Eating foods like fruits and vegetables will definitely aid in boosting your immune system. This holds true due to all the antioxidant that are found in fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants helps fight off viruses, and keeps your body protected. I am going to name some common fruits and vegetables you can stack your refrigerator with to help boost your immune system. Oranges, cranberries, goji berries, watermelon, blueberries, spinach, kale, cabbage, and purple seeded grapes is what you should fill your refrigerator with. They are all powerhouses for boosting your immune system. The great thing about it is… They are all common fruits that are easy to have in your home garden.

5.      Drink less alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages, if you did not know, makes your body vulnerable and more prone to getting sick. Yes, alcohol lowers your immune system. I still drink my alcoholic beverages, but I always have my alcoholic beverages served with mint leaves, sage leaves (which is another plant that’s amazing for boosting your immune system), and blended with fresh fruits and vegetables. I balance my alcohol with immune system boosters.

There you have it. These are 5 common ways to help boost your immune system. I like to find the most common, and practical ways to approach health. These are things you can get started on as soon as today. Enjoy!

Who We Are

Many of us are plagued with poor health due to the lack of resources in our communities. Many of us are faced to overcome liquor stores, and fast food restaurants on every corner. Many of us have been passed down poor health choices and diets from our parents, and elders who have been misled in the same direction. Health is the most important factor to living a happy life. As a Matter of fact, good health is linked to individuals living a happy, fulfilling life. When we think of health, we usually think of diet and exercise. Health is more than the food we put in our bodies. Health is being connected to, and having the ability to redirect our thoughts (mental health). Health is how we take care of our outer bodies (physical health), and our connection to the universe, and an entity that’s greater than us (spiritual health). The beautiful thing about approaching health is that all aspects of our health are connected. For an example, meditation approaches the mind, body, and spirit. Plant medicine powers the mind, and cures the body which helps you become closer to your spiritual self. Many of us think it’s impossible to obtain optimal health, but it’s not. The mind, body, and spirit is intertwined.

Holistic Divine Innovation’s name was established in deep thought of approaching optimal health. We understand that there is an abundance of internal and external negative factors that is preventing individuals from living their best life. We want to change that. We want to provide an abundance of resources, and practices to offset these negative factors. Holistic Divine Innovation’s goal is in our name itself. Holistic (a whole approach) Divine (God like) Innovations (way of living) goal is to educate and show individuals across the world how to live, and maintain healthy, self-sustaining lives through the use of holistic practices. Our blogs are designed to approach our everyday needs, and struggles. Our ideas are practical, and can be implemented by anyone. We will provide resources, and step by step guides on how to approach simple and complicated tasks. As we stay connected to local communities, and communities across the world, we will provide information that will help individuals obtain the type of lives they want to live while staying true to our name.

Now for you, our supporter. Which aspect of health would you like to improve? What is something you battle with?